President Higgins will mark the 1500th anniversary year of the birth of Colmcille, in a conference hosted by the American Conference for Irish Studies 2021, Ulster University and the John & Pat Hume Foundation.
Drawing inspiration from his recently published book, ‘Reclaiming the European Street’, the President will be speaking on the topics of the conference themes of home, land, heritage and healing, with reference to the region’s patron saint Colmcille.
Click on the Audio, Speech and Video tabs for more information.
Related events:
- President gives keynote address at Fordham University (2019)
- 'The Idea of Home' - President speaks at Galway International Arts Festival (2018)
- “Of Migrants and Migration” -- Address on the Occasion of the President’s visit to the Isle of Iona (2013)
- President delivers the British Council Annual Lecture (2012)