President Michael D. Higgins gave the keynote address at the Young Philosopher Awards 2021 ceremony.
The Awards were launched by President Higgins in November 2017, in response to the President’s calls - in the context of the President of Ireland Ethics Initiative - for greater reflection and debate about the type of skills citizens need in our rapidly changing society.
The Young Philosopher Awards are open to students in 3rd to 6th class of primary school and all levels of secondary students, in Ireland and abroad.
Click on the Audio, Speech or Video tabs for more information.
Related events:
- President speaks at the second Irish Young Philosopher Awards festival (2019)
- President presents awards at the 2018 Irish Young Philosopher Awards Festival (2018)
- President Higgins hosts a reception to mark World Philosophy Day (2017)
- President hosts a reception for members of Philosophy Ireland (2016)