Statement by President Higgins on the death of Professor John A. Murphy
Date: Tue 1st Mar, 2022 | 16:47
“It is with great sadness that I have learned of the death of Irish historian, Professor Emeritus of History at University College Cork, former Senator, and dear friend Professor John A. Murphy.
The news of the death of John will have been received with great sadness by so many across the academic and political spectrums.
John was a one of our most gifted historians and communicators who made a profound and distinctive contribution to the public awareness of the political, historical and cultural dimensions of our society.
John A. Murphy made a unique contribution in his pioneering and bilingual work in bringing history to a new audience through the medium of television. He did so with courage and humour.
John represented the National University of Ireland constituency of Seanad Éireann, and those who had the privilege of working with him remember him as a courteous, courageous, very well informed and principled Senator.
Sabina and I send our sincere condolences to his family, and to all those who shared seminars with him over the years, the staff and students of University College Cork for whom he had such a care and affection, and all of the people of Cork and beyond who will have been deeply affected by his passing.
Suaimhneas sioraí dá anam dílis.”