Omagh Relatives deserve all our support in the search for truth as to the Omagh bombing and have had too long a wait
Date: Tue 15th Aug, 2023 | 12:52
As President of Ireland, may I renew my profound sympathy and support to all those who lost loved ones in the devastation that was the Omagh bombing on 15 August 1998.
In remembering the 31 victims, including children, on that tragic day, along with those who suffered injuries, we realise how important the quest for the truth as to what happened is to all those relatives who were affected.
In offering our support for the relatives’ quest for the truth as to what happened on that day, I am acutely aware of how long they have waited.
It is so important for all involved that these truths be established fully and fairly, if we are to enable truly ethical remembrance as might assist reconciliation.
May I pay special tribute to all those who, despite the pain of those losses and injuries, by their extraordinary patience, courage and coming together have shaped a path towards peace and reconciliation. They have shown such courage and fortitude over the past 25 years.