Message from President Michael D. Higgins Traveller Pride Week 2023
Date: Tue 4th Jul, 2023 | 16:53
Guím gach rath agus beanneacht ar dtógraí speisialta an seachtain seo. May I send my best wishes to all those involved in Traveller Pride Week 2023.
This year's festival theme, "a celebration of Traveller change-makers in Irish history”, should resonate deeply with us all. For centuries, Traveller communities have played an integral role in shaping Ireland's rich cultural tapestry, often saving it in terms of music, song and story-telling, leaving an indelible mark on our shared heritage. It is so appropriate that we welcome this opportunity to reflect upon and appreciate the contributions of the remarkable individuals who were at the forefront of this valuable contribution.
By recognizing and honouring the achievements of Traveller change-makers, we not only acknowledge their resilience, strength, and determination in their time and conditions, but we also send a powerful message of inclusion and equality.
It is by embracing the diversity that exists within our society and giving it its place that we become stronger as a nation.
Traveller Pride Week concerns us all as citizens of Ireland. This special week calls upon us to stand together, to challenge all vestiges and experiences of prejudice and discrimination, to work towards a future where every person, regardless of their background or ethnicity, feels valued, respected, and can fully participate and flourish in our society.
Beir gach beannacht do’n seachtain is do’n todchaí.