Media Library


Address to Engineers Ireland Conference 2020

Wed 21st Oct, 2020 | 08:37

Delivering A Just Transition For All - President Higgins address at the EEAC/NESC conference 2020

Wed 21st Oct, 2020 | 08:34

Delivering A Just Transition For All - President Higgins address at the EEAC/NESC conference 2020

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Message for the Irish Film and Television Academy’s (IFTA) virtual awards night

President Higgins recorded a special message for the Irish Film and Television Academy’s (IFTA) virtual awards night.

As Minster for Arts, Culture…

Sun 18th Oct, 2020 | 21:49

Message for the Irish Film and Television Academy’s (IFTA) virtual awards night

President Higgins recorded a special message for the Irish Film and Television Academy’s (IFTA) virtual awards night.

As Minster for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht, in the 1990s, President Higgins oversaw the refunding of An Board Scannáin – The Irish Film Board and the founding of TG4. Since then, the Irish film industry has thrived and a great body of original and inventive Irish work has emerged.

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