Speech by President at the Family Day Garden Party
Áras an Uachtaráin, 10 June 2018
Dia dhaoibh a cháirde, fearaim féin agus Sáidhbhín fíor chaoin fáilte romhaibh uilig.
Sabina and I would like to welcome you and thank you all for coming to the Áras today to the first of the annual Áras garden parties.Each garden party has a different theme, today’s theme is ‘Family’ in all its aspects.
Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh uilig ag baint taitnimh as bhur lá i ngairdíní Áras an Uachtaráin, is gairdíní atá ar a mbarr áilleachta an taca seo den bhliain de thoradh obair thiomanta na foirne garraíodóireachta. Tá freagairt iontach tugtha agaibh dár lucht siamsaíochta agus tá rogha gacha bídh réitithe daoibh ag foireann an Árais.
I hope that you are all enjoying your visit – the gardens are at their best at this time of year.Our thanks to all those who work in the gardens, and thanks to the staff of the Áras, who are responsible for the hospitality you are all enjoying.
It is a great pleasure for Sabina and I to welcome you all here today to Áras an Uachtaráin and to extend a special cead mile fáilte to those of you who have travelled long distances to be with us. I am delighted you are here and I hope you will enjoy your visit to Áras an Uachtaráin, home of all of the Presidents of Ireland since 1938.
May I welcome all those families who have travelled from every corner of Ireland to be with us here in Áras an Uachtaráin, filling the house, the beautiful gardens, this magnificent marquee, with happiness, fun, and laughter; it gives both of us great pleasure to celebrate and share that with you.
This year, the seventh year that Sabina and I have welcomed our citizens in their diversity to Áras an Uachtaráin.This year we have some new experiences for you – the ‘Dearcán na daoine – The People’s Acorn’, which is a permanent testament to our shared journey towards an inclusive Republic, where we all have a place and of which we can all feel proud - made by artist Rachel Joynt.
There are 16 Birch trees, arranged in a crescent to complement the Acorn, and planted in honour of the 16 Revolutionaries executed after the 1916 Rising. They include the seven signatories of the Proclamation of the Republic - that you can visit.
We have the ‘Plough and the Stars’ – a special initiative of Sabina’s which is an installation in commemoration of the 1913 Lockout of the Dublin workers; a founding moment for workers and trade unionism in Ireland.
The contemporary Irish family in a diverse society, comes in many different shapes and sizes. In modern day Ireland, the concept of family has become an ever more inclusive one, and now it encompasses the many different forms that can make up a loving and supportive family unit.
Our Ireland of the 21st century is a dynamic and cosmopolitan place, an Ireland that embraces the innovation, opportunity and creative energy that diversity brings. So today, we celebrate the many forms of contemporary family life that we are welcoming here today.
At the heart of every family unit must be love, care and an acceptance of each other as both unique with our own gifts and also a family member.That is a characteristic that all supportive families share, regardless of how they may differ.
May I, for a moment, ask that we also remember the families across our country who have been broken and devastated in recent weeks through the loss of loved ones in violent, tragic and deeply painful circumstances. Theirs is an unimaginable sadness to bear, and for their communities too this is a difficult time.We can send them our thoughts, care and solidarity.
There are some families with us too who will have experienced, or in recent times, some loss which they may be recalling.To them too, I offer all of our solidarity.
This time of year is always a special time in the lives of families around the country, it is a time that marks the arrival of summer, when family members can spend more time together.
Before I conclude, I would also like to thank our superb MC this afternoon, Baz Ashmawy – whom many of our guests will recognise from perhaps one of his most famous shows – 50 ways to kill your mammy – I hope nobody here took notes!
May I also thank our entertainers this afternoon: Colm Ó hArgáin, Derek Morrissey, Éadaoin Ní Mhaicín: our harpist, Mary Kelly; our piper, Maitu Ó Casaide; the bands we will hear from shortly in the Marquee, Ceol Cos, I Draw Slow and Moxie; our cellist, Catriona Atkinson and our violinist, Rebecca Atkinson; the wonderful Bloco Garman; and the Havana Club Trio and Dublin Ukulele Collective who played on the Main Lawn.
Thank you to my staff here at the Áras for your hard work and good humour – and special thanks to OPW and our wonderful household team, not only for their wonderful treats, but for their kindness and ever cheerful disposition too; all things which contribute in no small part to making this garden party a very special event for you.
May I make a special thank you to, once again, Dee Rogers, and his crew for the superb sound he has made possible in facilitating our performers and muscians.
Thank you to our friends in St John of God’s, the Gardaí and our Civil Defence colleagues, the tour guides and all who have worked so hard to make today such a joyful and happy occasion for us all.
I wish you all a wonderful Summer with your families. I hope you have much fun and good times together, creating happy memories that will remain with you throughout your lives. I hope your memories of today will make the cut and into the photo album!
Enjoy your day here, explore the house, the gardens, and make yourself at home.
Bainigí sult as an lá, agus bígí ar bhur suaimhneas.