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Inauguration Address by President Eamon de Valera 25th June 1959, Dublin Castle

A Thaoisigh Uasail, táim faoi chomaoin mhór agat as ucht na cainte cineálta ata déanta agat. Thar mo cheann féin agua thar ceann mo chéile gabhaim buíochas ó chroí leat. Cuireann sé go mór le gradam na hócaide seo an oiread sin de mahaithe agus de mhór-uaisle na tire a bheith i láthair. Is mór agam é, agus táim an-bhuíoch díbh go léir.

Beannáim duitse,a Thaoisigh, mar Cheann an Rialtais, treoraí mhuintir na hÉireann. Sláinte agus faid saoil duit. Go neartaí Dia thú agus gcuire sé rath ar a ndéanfaidh tú. Is maith is eol  domsa do dhílseacht agus do dhúthracht i gcúis na hÉireann o bhí tú id ógánach. Is é mo ghuí go bhfaighidh tú ó dhaoine eile an dílseacht agus an díograis chéanna  a thug tú féin riamh. 

Agus tusa, a shean-chara, a Sheáin Uasail Uí Cheallagh, a bhí comh fada againn mar Uachtarán, is ceart go gcuirfinn in iúl duitse agus dod chéile chaoin an meas agus an cion atá  ag muintir na hÉireann oraibh. Tá cúis mhaith ag ár ndaoine bheith búioch díbh. Onóir don náisiún agus ábhar fíor-bhróid díbh féin a fheabhas a chomhlíon sibh bhur ndualgaisí agus tú i seilbh oifige. Beidh sé deacair bhur lorg a leanúint, ach déanfaimid ár ndícheall. Iarraim ar Dhia neart agus críonnacht a thabhairt dúinn.

{*Taoiseach, I am most grateful to you for your kind remarks. On my own behalf and on behalf of my wife, I thank you from my heart. This occasion is greatly honoured by the presence of so many distinguished people. I appreciate your coming here, and I am very grateful to you all.

I salute you, Taoiseach, as head of government, leader of the Irish people. I wish you health and long life. May God sustain you and prosper all you undertake. I know well your loyalty and your devotion to Ireland since your boyhood. I pray that you will receive from others the same loyalty and devotion which you yourself have always given.

And you, my old friend Sean T Ó Ceallaigh, so long our president, it is right that I should express to you and to you gracious wife the esteem and affection which the people of Ireland have for you. Our people have good reason to be grateful to you both. During your period of office, you have formed your duties with such distinction that you have honoured the nation and yourselves. You may be justly proud. It will be difficult to reach the standards you have set, but we shall do our best. I pray God to give me strength and wisdom for the worthy performance of my task}

A dhaione uaisle {Ladies and Gentlemen}, Before I leave, I must thank you all for honouring this occasion by your presence. It was very kind of you to come and I am most grateful. Beannacht Dé oraibh go léir. {God’s blessing on all of you}