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Statement by President Michael D. Higgins – Death of Fernando Cardenal

Date: Wed 24th Feb, 2016 | 14:57

“I have heard with great sadness of the death of Fernando Cardenal, the iconic Education Minister in Nicaragua in the post dictatorship period. 

Moved by his ministry in the Jesuit order, who would go on to pay a heavy price for their support for democracy and the Nicaraguan people, Dr. Fernando Cardenal accepted the position of Education Minister in the Government which replaced the Somoza dictatorship. 

He will be most remembered for his outstanding successes in tackling the problem of illiteracy. Assisted by more than a 100,000 volunteers spread throughout the country and engaging in one-to-one contacts in the most remote areas, under his leadership illiteracy was reduced in 5 months from 50% to 15%, a feat recognised by a UNESCO award. 

Those of us from Ireland who visited Nicaragua in the 1980s had the privilege of meeting Fernando Cardenal and his brother Ernesto Cardenal, mystic poet and theologian, who held the post of Minister for Culture. 

In the 1990s both brothers returned to their spiritual lives and enjoyed enormous affection and gratitude not just from the Nicaraguan people but also from the international community of those working for human rights. 

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis."