Statement by President Higgins on the death of Emmet Stagg
Date: Sun 17th Mar, 2024 | 14:01
“Emmet Stagg will be remembered by all those with whom he served in Leinster House for his generosity and kindness towards all of his colleagues, and indeed for his respect for people in all parties.
Emmet embodied the spirit of the Labour Party in its best sense. This was delivered in his weekly and daily service to his constituents, where he was one of the most hardworking TDs that I can remember in my time in Dáil Éireann. Indeed, no one could keep up with the pace at which Emmet worked for his constituents during his 29 years of unbroken service as a TD from 1987 to 2016.
This spirit was also represented in the principled stances which Emmet took on so many important policy matters for which he was a great, courageous and brave campaigner. This included his long-term support for Irish people living in the UK. It was our practice over the years to visit the Irish centres in Britain in December.
Emmet was a deeply committed Minister of State for Housing and Urban Renewal, probably one of the best informed politicians that there has been on the importance of public and social housing.
It was a particular privilege for me to share an office with Emmet for a number of the years in which I served in the Dáil. One of the things which Emmet often shared with us was his love of gardening. It was always one of the great surprises when Emmet would bring in to those sharing his office the produce of his garden in Straffan, or to hear of his fishing expeditions in his beloved Mayo.
I will remember Emmet as one of my closest friends in Leinster House, he will be deeply missed.
May I extend my deepest sympathies to his wife Mary, his children Gillian and Henry, and to all his family, colleagues and many friends.
Síocháin síoraí dá anam lách uasal.”