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Statement by President Michael D. Higgins - Máire Ní Thuathail

Date: Mon 19th Sep, 2016 | 21:05

"All those involved in broadcasting, and in particular in broadcasting in Irish, will be deeply saddened by the untimely death of Máire Ní Thuathail.
Her contribution to television and film making in Irish is of inestimable value.
She embraced the challenge of setting up TG4, and of developing the station, with enthusiasm and went on to bring into being one of the most successful TV soaps of our time, Ros na Rún.
In doing so, she established the required studio and facilities where her assistance and training made it possible for a long line of talented young people to enter acting and broadcasting.
She will be missed, not only by many people in broadcasting, but also by her family and many friends.
As someone who was acquainted with her work, I am deeply saddened by her passing, and grateful for her contribution to Irish language broadcasting.”