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President Michael D. Higgins sends message of condolence to President of Iraq

Date: Thu 7th Jul, 2016 | 12:34

7 July 2016


President Michael D. Higgins has sent President of Iraq Gauck Fouad Massoum a message of condolence, following Sunday's deadly attacks in Baghdad.

In his message, the President said:

"It is with great shock and sadness that I have learnt of the devastating attack and tragic loss of life in Baghdad, the worst in over a decade. 
These attacks, directed at communities as they were preparing for Eid al-Fitr, are callous and cowardly and must be condemned in the strongest terms. 

Such violence strikes at the right of all to a life in peace and we must strengthen our resolve not to let the cold-blooded attempts to undermine the way of life in our global community seeking to live in diversity and peace. 
My thoughts are with the people of Baghdad and Iraq at this time. I wish to express my sincerest condolences to the families of all those bereaved and all those affected by the violence in your beautiful country.”