President gives the opening address at the Irish League of Credit Unions AGM

Sat 23rd Aib, 2016 | 10:30
suíomh: University of Limerick

President gives the opening address at the Irish League of Credit Unions AGM

President and Sabina Higgins attended the AGM of the Irish League of Credit Unions, held on the University of Limerick campus.


Sat 23rd Apr, 2016 | 15:40

President gives the opening address at the Irish League of Credit Unions AGM

President and Sabina Higgins attended the AGM of the Irish League of Credit Unions, held on the University of Limerick campus.

In his keynote address President Michael D Higgins spoke of the history and founding values of the credit union movement and how its democratic model of finance places the needs of the people, the aspirations of its members and the requirements of the local community at the heart of financial decision making.

credit unionsLimerickILCUAGMkey note speechPresident Michael D. Higgins