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Speech at the Virtual Celebration of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann

Cuireann sé áthas an domhain orm a bheith libh arís i mbliana chun oscailt Fhleadh Cheoil na hÉireann a cheiliúradh, agus í naoi bliain agus trí scór d’aois.

I mbliana, cosúil le gach nígh eile, beidh an Fleadh Cheoil éagsúl. Toisc nach féidir linn bailiú le chéile mar is gnáth, déanfaimid ár gcultúr agus ár n-oidhreacht Gaelach a cheiliúradh le chéile ar bhonn dhifriúil.

Bhíomar uilig ag tnúth leis an siamsaíocht ag an tionól sa Mhuileann gCearr i mbliana ach ní mar sin a thárla. Faraoir na sriant atá orainn de bharr COVID,  níl aon bac orainn sult a baint as ceoltóirí den scoth ó gach cearn den domhan sa sraith cláracha atá le chraolú ar TG4 sna leathanta atá le teacht.

May I say how delighted I am to have the opportunity to formally open this quite different celebration of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann.

The Fleadh, as it is so fondly known, is a pivotal and greatly anticipated event in the Irish cultural diary. As with so many public events we will, this year, be engaging with a new and re-imagined format for the Fleadh in line with Covid 19 restrictions.

I have, indeed, been very inspired by the many imaginative and thoughtful ways in which cultural expressions have been maintained and extended within our society as we face, collectively, the unprecedented challenge of the coronavirus pandemic.

It has been testament to the generous and creative vision that exists in such abundance amongst the Irish people.  The Fleadh is no exception and we can be deeply grateful to all those who have ensured that this August we will, as every year,  receive the opportunity to celebrate the richness and diversity of our traditional music, song and dance and of course our beautiful native language.

Cruthaíonn Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann spás ar leith ina thárlaíonn an chur i láthair foirmeálta agus neamhfhoirmeálta, ina bhfuil plé agus díospóireacht agus áiteanna chruthaitheacha a chothaíonn ár n-ealaíona traidisiúnta.

Sa bhlian seo 2020, tá gach iarracht déanta ag Comhaltas Ceoltóirí agus TG4 draíocht an Fhleadh a chaomhnú, cá nach bhfuilimid bailithe le chéile. Tréaslaím leo agus libhse ar fad atá ag glacadh páirt sa bhaile.  

Tá súil agam go mbainfidh lucht féachainne agus rannpháirtithe sult as an gceol, an damhsa, na hamhráin, agus na saothar ealaíne eile atá le chur ós ár gcómhar.

Across the years, the Fleadh has provided us with a valuable opportunity to welcome to our shores our wider Irish family and those who are friends to Ireland, to join us in these celebrations.

May I, therefore, at this point, extend a particular céad mile fáilte to all those who will participating and watching from branches of Comhaltas around the world.

Although you cannot be physically present in Ireland this year you are an uplifting reminder of the power of culture to transcend boundaries and oceans, sustaining and uniting us as one vibrant and inclusive community.

I wish all of you, as members of that community, a most enjoyable time as you gather virtually to share in this celebration of all that is unique and splendid about our Irish culture – our music, song and dance, but also our history, our drama and our unique traditions.

I also commend and congratulate all those involved in bringing this celebration together. It is my great hope that next year musicians, singers and dancers from all over the world will be able to come together in Mullingar to compete at the highest level in their chosen art forms.

In the meantime, I thank you all for continuing to participate in the long and enriching story of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann.

Gúim gach rath oraibh uilig, cibe áit ina bhfuil sibh.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir. Beir beannacht.